Case study: Interpreting helps bridge engineering language barrier 

Across the NRL Group, our fellow colleagues help clients deliver their engineering projects, so when the Heysham recruitment team identified a client who could benefit from interpreting to support a project they were working on, we were delighted to step in and help. 

We understand the benefits of translation and interpreting to ensure everyone can communicate clearly, and the huge significance language services play on construction and engineering projects to maintain safety.  

NRL Recruitment’s client were a Slovakian company, who had secured a contract to install pipework on a new energy from waste plant under construction in Cheshire. They planned to bring over their specialist pipework team to complete the work, but none of the team were able to fluently speak English causing a language barrier. 

That’s where were engaged, and asked to secure two Slovakian-speaking linguists who would be able to provide interpreting and translation to the subcontracting team. 

Language services were needed over more than 12 months, working onsite with the Slovakian subcontractors to interpret conversations and work directives, translate safety documentation and support health and safety processes. 

Support would also be needed to attend meetings and relay important information, as well as providing 1-2-1 interpreting where needed to ensure the safety and smooth running of the project. 

Regular safety training sessions also took place, including setting up a workspace with multiple hazards for the subcontracting team to identify safety issues and potential hazards. The interpreters would be crucial in supporting these sessions, ensuring that all hazards were clearly explained, and the correct safety protocols were clearly communicated across the language barrier. 

We identified that the best solution was to retain two Slovakian speaking interpreters, who would work on rotation to cover the 5 days the site was operational, so language support was always available. The role would involve supporting managers onsite, as well as the subcontracting team, to interpret verbal and written communication. 

We quickly identified two Slovakian and English-speaking linguists who lived locally, so were an ideal match to work on the project – both of whom were interested in the scope of the role. 

Everything happening on site relevant to the roles of the Slovakian workers required interpreting and translation. This included site documentation and safety instructions, along with general communications and site signs. 

At the commencement of every shift, a pre-job briefing was conducted, during which the linguist meticulously interpreted the work requirements of the day, together with any safety briefing, ensuring that everyone fully understood precisely what was expected of them. Where needed, individual conversations were also interpreted throughout each day, sharing specific guidance for tasks and delivering feedback. 

To promote efficient communication between the subcontractor and contractor throughout the project, the interpreter participated in project meetings to bridge any language barriers as well as keeping themselves abreast with the project’s requirements. This ensured that safety remained the top priority for the project, and effective two-way communication was in place so workers in the subcontracting team felt confident raising any questions they had through the interpreter. 

We were delighted to be able to support this project, thanks to the fantastic support from our Slovakian interpreters. This ensured the subcontracting team could deliver the pipework stage of the project as safely as possible, without any language barriers causing issues onsite. 

NRL’s Heysham Recruitment Branch Director Jack Gannon reflects on the project: 

“When we heard about the challenge the subcontractor faced, we immediately knew we had a workable solution because it’s a service that we’ve tried and tested on engineering projects. 
It’s a real advantage for our clients that we have a translation and interpreting business within the NRL Group, as we’re able to mobilise linguists onto projects quickly. 
The interpreters were a huge asset to the safe and effective delivery of the pipework stage of the project, and we’re delighted that by working with our NRL Language Solutions colleagues we were able to assist our client with this specialist interpreting support.” 

We’re always happy to chat through your requirements, whether you’re looking for onsite interpreting support or translation of safety or business documentation. You can reach out to our team through the link below or start a conversation through live chat during our opening hours