- Our Asian Languages
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Assamese
- Azeri
- Bengali
- Burmese
- Chinese (Mandarin)
- Chinese (Cantonese)
- Dari
- Farsi
- Georgian
- Gujarati
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hindko
- Indonesian
- Japanese
- Kannada
- Kashmiri
- Khmer
- Konkrani
- Korean
- Kurdish (Bahdini)
- Kurdish (Kurmanji)
- Kurdish (Sorani)
- Laotian
- Marathi
- Malay
- Malayalam
- Mirpuri
- Mongolian
- Nepalese
- Odia
- Pahari
- Pashto
- Pothwari
- Punjabi
- Sanskrit
- Sinhalese
- Tamil
- Tagalog
- Telugu
- Thai
- Tigrinya
- Tulu
- Urdu
- Uzbek
- Vietnamese
- Our African Languages
- Afrikaans
- Amharic
- Kirundi
- Lingala
- Oromo
- Shona
- Somali
- Sudanese Arabic
- Swahili
- Twi
- Wolof
- Yoruba
- Our European Languages
- Albanian
- Basque
- Bosnian
- Bulgarian
- Catalan
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- Estonian
- Faroese
- Finnish
- Flemish
- French
- Gaelic (Irish)
- Gaelic (Scots)
- Galician
- German
- Gorani
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Icelandic
- Italian
- Kosovan
- Latin
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Macedonian
- Maltese
- Moldovan
- Montenegrin
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Slovak
- Slovene
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Welsh
- Our Oceanian Languages
Our languages
Extensive language support that you can trust
We only work with the most talented and experienced translators and interpreters, which means you can be sure that your message is never lost in translation, or communications are not misunderstood.
Our team of linguists combined can support more than 135 languages – with the qualifications and experience to undertake the most comprehensive of language support.
So, if you’re looking for a language solutions partner to support your business, then look no further than NRL.
All around the world
From key industrial countries such as China and Germany, to niche rural languages – we’re here to help.
Take a look below at the standard languages we can support.
Haven’t seen the language you’re looking for?
If you need translation support for another language you haven’t spotted on the directory above, then get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to reach out across our network to source a qualified and experienced translator to complete your language project.

Decades of language support for our clients
We’ve worked with hundreds of clients across a wide range of business sectors, to support them with small and large language projects. From having the privilege to support immigration applications, to helping provide accurate technical documentation for medical and industrial manufacturing companies.
Our clients trust us to provide translation and interpreting services to the highest of standards that help them to effectively deliver their services and grow their businesses.
We’re ISO 9001: 2008 accredited for quality management, as well as being long-standing members of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) since 2009.

Our translation expertise
Whether you need a lengthy document translated into another language or need support with email communications – we’re always on hand to help.
Our corporate membership of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) means our work comes with a translation certification letter to demonstrate that it meets our quality standards.

Our interpreting expertise
If you’re looking to book an interpreter to attend your meeting, then we have a range of remote interpreting services to meet your needs – and can support over the telephone and using a range of video technology such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom and WhatsApp.
Or if you’re looking for a face-to-face interpreter to attend a meeting, conference or legal proceedings then we have a number of experienced interpreters across the North East.
find out more book an interpreter