A guide to certified translations in the UK: Part 1
Navigating through the requirements of certified translations in the UK can be a daunting task. Whether you’re an individual applying for citizenship, or an organisation engaging in legal proceedings, or conducting business internationally, understanding the requirements for certified translations is crucial.
What is certified translation in the UK?
Certified translation in the UK refers to the process where a qualified translator or a translation company attests to the accuracy of the translation. This certification is often required for official documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and legal documents to be accepted in legal systems, academic institutions, and government departments. The translation must mirror the original document as closely as possible.
Legalised translations are sworn or certified pieces of translations, where a government ministry has provided the legislation. Notarised translations on the other hand include a sworn statement by a notary public alongside the certified translation.
What is meant by certified translation?
A certified translation includes the translated document along with a statement by the translator confirming the accuracy of the translation. The presence of a signed statement or affidavit from the translator is what sets a certified translation apart.
How do I certify a translation?
To certify a translation, a qualified translator must include a statement of accuracy, their contact information, and sometimes, specific details required by the institution the translation is being submitted to. Typically, if you’re working through a language solutions provider, such as NRL, it will be their company that certifies the work.
This statement not only certifies the translation but also officially ties the translator to the quality of their work, bearing legal responsibilities for its accuracy.
Here at NRL for example, as long-standing members of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI), our translations are certified to demonstrate their accuracy.
How much does a certified translation cost in the UK?
The cost of certified translations in the UK can vary widely based on factors such as the document’s language, its complexity, and how quickly the translation is needed. Languages solutions providers will be able to provide a quote before starting the translation work, so you understand the cost, which may be based on the word count.
The relationship between price and quality cannot be overstated, opting for the cheapest option can sometimes lead to inaccuracies that might be costly in the long term.
Can I do a certified translation myself?
In general, translating and certifying your own documents is not advised and will most likely not be accepted by institutions, because it may lead to a conflict of interest. Authorities require a neutral third-party professional and qualified translator who can objectively certify the accuracy of the translation.
How do I know if a translator is certified?
To confirm if a translator or language solutions provider is certified, you can request to see their credentials, such as their Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) membership. Trade organisations such as these typically provide directories of their members, ensuring that you’re entrusting your documents to someone who’s recognised in the field of translation.
You can see NRL’s ITI membership profile here.
How long does certified translation take?
The timeframe for receiving a certified translation can depend on several factors, including the document’s length, its complexity, and the translator’s current workload. Generally, translations can take anywhere from a few days for simpler documents where workload permits, to several weeks for more complex material. Many translators and language solutions providers offer expedited services for urgent requests, though this may come with an additional cost.
How to become a certified translator in the UK?
If you’re interested in becoming a certified translator, it’s worth keeping in mind that this involves a rigorous process. Typically, a bachelor’s degree in languages or a specific translation degree is the starting point. Following this, aspiring translators often seek certification from authoritative bodies, which can include stringent exams and a demonstration of professional experience. Continuous development and adherence to a code of professional conduct are essential to maintaining this status, and experience providing translation is crucial to build recognition.
Can NRL provide certified translation?
Absolutely, and we’d be pleased to discuss any requirements you have. You can reach out to the team below or call +44 (0)191 562 3520.